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Time.in.ua: Точний час - синхронізація часу у мережі Online
NTP server stratum 1 in Ukraine.
Time.in.ua: visit the most interesting Time In pages, well-liked by users from your country and all over the world, or check the rest of time.in.ua data below. Time.in.ua is a web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. We found that Ukrainian is the preferred language on Time In pages. Their most used social media is Facebook with about 54% of all user votes and reposts. Time.in.ua uses Nginx for server.
Language: | Ukrainian |
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time.in.ua most visited pages
Статистика сервера точного времени
NTP server stratum 1 in Ukraine
ntpd Event Messages and Status Words
This page lists the status words, event messages and error codes used for ntpd reporting and monitoring. Status words are used to display the current status of the running program. There is one syste...
Точний час - синхронізація часу у мережі
NTP (Network Time Protocol) і SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) іншим серверам і комп'ютерам, які мають підключення до мережі Інтернет. Ми не вигадали нічого нового - просто організували синх...
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Hosting provider: |
colocall Ltd |
Registrant: | ODHM-UANIC Odessa.UA Hostmaster |
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Server: | Nginx |