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Handsworth.bham.sch.uk: Welcome to Handsworth Grammar School - King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School Online
Handsworth Grammar School Official Website.
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Curriculum - King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School
General Information Building Learning Habits is at the heart of Learning and Teaching at Handsworth Grammar School. We want learners who are: independent curious reflective resilient life-long creativ...
Visit from Ex Students - King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School
On Thursday 27th June, 3 ex KEHGS students visited the psychology department to speak to year 12 students about their experiences of studying Psychology at University. They all explained their reaso...
Welcome to Handsworth Grammar School - King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School
to king Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys Handsworth Grammar is part of the Grammar Schools in Birmingham, the King Edward VI Foundation and the King Edward VI Academy Trust. We provide a s...
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